>>Sex in humanity is bimodal>>
Nope. It's binary. Either male or female. The *presentation* is bimodal. Height, for example, is bimodal: two modes, one at the average for each sex, and variance above and below those heights, overlapping in the middle between the two.
Sex is not bimodal. You know the phrase "sexual reproduction"? What do you think it means? It tells you how humans reproduce: by the union of two unalike gametes, one from each sex.
You don't get people who produce sperm some of the time, and then other times produce eggs. You are one sex, or the other.
>>The fact is all exceptions prove no rule, they all prove how a rule is inadequate.>>
You don't understand the original meaning of the proverb ("prove" actually means "test", not "demonstrate", in it). The sexual dichotomy has enormous predictive power about who can reproduce with who. You deny it. But I'm pretty certain you had two, and only two, parents.