Thanks for the comment, and the pointer to the short interview (just five minutes) with Claire Ainsworth. She does indeed say "sex is much more of a spectrum", but that's in the context that variation *within* sexes is understood to be greater than before. DSDs mean that it can be more difficult than expected to determine someone's sex.
But she always refers to male and female, and there's no suggestion of any melting of the divide. Even people with ovotestis syndrome - some testicular tissue, some ovarian tissue - will only produce one of the gametes (if at all), not both.
And of course I'd refer you to her tweet, which came well after the article was published and when she had been asked many, many times "hey, so you're saying sex is a spectrum?" Emphatically, as she says, no: she's saying that within each of the sexes, there's more breadth. But they don't overlap.